
Updated Dummy Plug Kit for 04-10 Ford 6.0L Diesel Super Stroke

Updated Dummy Plug Kit for 04-10 Ford 6.0L Diesel Super Stroke

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Updated Dummy Plug Kit for 04-10 Ford 6.0L Diesel Super Stroke

Ford updated stand pipes for all 2004-2007 Ford 6.0 engines.
The old style rail plugs were prone to o-ring failure. Symptoms are loss of ICP pressures which can cause no start or stalling. It’s also sometimes misdiagnosed as a bad IPR valve or HPOP. These have been updated with a back up PTFE washer. The single most typical symptom of failed standpipe and rail plug o-ring failure, is a hard re-start when the engine is hot. Even when the 6.0L engine starts normally after a cold-soak, it may be very hard to re-start after it has reached operating tempature, has been shut off, and an attempted re-start is made
This is due to an “internal oil leak” caused by the thin, hot, oil bypassing inside the system due to failed o-rings on the standpipes and rail plugs. The updated plugs (and stand pipes) now have a PTFE washer to help prevent re-occuring failure. Update yours today!
Updated Stand Pipes and Dummy Plugs Kit
Fit For 2004-2007 Ford F250/350/450/550 6.0L Diesel Truck and 2004-2010 Ford E-Series 6.0L Diesel Vans.

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